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Beyond The Hustle

Oct 14, 2020

"The engagement was through the roof! I had never seen that much engagement, so many people posting and introducing themselves. Another thing that I loved about a challenge, is that there is this sense of purpose, and everyday I was giving people a task or homework so that everyday they kept moving into action"
In today's solo episode, I'm going to share with you some powerful insights about my experience launching my first challenge. In this behind the scenes I share my numbers and my secrets that helped increase the conversions. Please join me today and learn how to launch your first challenge.
You will discover:
  • How to build a challenge strategy
  • How to build a strong relationship
  • How to create a community around it
  • How to increase your conversions
  • What is the difference between the product launch formula, webinars and a challenge 
  • And so much more!
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Go back and listen to Epi 115 - The 5 Stages of a Winning Sales Webinar click here 
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