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Beyond The Hustle

Jun 23, 2020

"Show your power players that you care about them, promote them, talk about them, get their books, go to the events where they're speaking, figure out how you can get a photo with them, and continue to show them that you're there to support them."

In today's solo episode, I share how you can start building strong relationships with people that are big in your industry. No matter how distant you see the possibility of building a relationship with a power player in your industry, you can do it if you follow the tips I give you in this episode. 

You'll discover...

  • How you can start building momentum in the mind of the power players of your industry, so they can remember who you are.
  • The importance of showing the people that you admire that you care about them. 
  • How to establish great connections with leaders in your industry without having a huge audience. 
  • And more! 

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