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Beyond The Hustle

Aug 18, 2020

"On this day's people expend hours and hours at their phones, computers, they are on the internet most of their time, and there is always an opportunity for you to show your product, to position your brand, to sell anything you want to them, you need to focus on what you are selling and to whom, if you have a good product or idea, the internet would be your employee of the month selling a scales you can't imagine".

In today’s episode I have the opportunity to interview an old friend of mine, Rehan Hassan, he has been in the online business of e-commerce over the past 10 years, he is also an expert when it comes to  traffic of Facebook ads and Instagram, join me today and enjoy this amazing interview and all the knowledge he shared with me.

You'll discover:

  • The steps to follow to create a successful internet business
  • Some of the most import things you need to know when we talk about traffic
  • Where to focus when creating your personal brand
  • How to properly adjust the cost of your product when selling online
  • How to take advantage from the social media for your product
  • And more.

Connect with me on Instagram @carolinamillan and Twitter @carolinamillan and let me know what you thought about this episode! 

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