Jun 27, 2020
"There are few things in life where yeah, it's better to be ignorant, but when it comes to skills that you need to acquire to be a better person and a better entrepreneur, if you can fix that and you can be aware of it, then you can change not only your life but the lives of the people who you'll impact."
In today's...
Jun 23, 2020
"Show your power players that you care about them, promote them, talk about them, get their books, go to the events where they're speaking, figure out how you can get a photo with them, and continue to show them that you're there to support them."
In today's solo episode, I share how you can start building strong...
Jun 19, 2020
Jun 13, 2020
"Building a strong Personal Brand is what's going to help you connect with your audience. If you want to have a positive impact on the World, it starts with you. You need to find your voice, your message, and put it out there for people to listen and to be inspired."
In today's solo episode of the podcast, I share with...
Jun 9, 2020
"Linkedin is called a professional network for a reason, go out there and network! Engage and network. So often I see people too afraid to do that, and they get so focused on "I need more clients," "I need more leads," "I need sales," that they forget about what actually makes the sales: the power hour."
Matt Clark, CEO...