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Beyond The Hustle

Jan 4, 2020

"There are good reasons why we avoid the tough conversations. The brain is very good at giving us all the negatives, all the risks, but it isn't very good at showing us the upside. And if you start to practice tough conversations more and more, and how you can get amazing results, you'll find that 9 times out of 10 it will be worth it to roll the dice, be vulnerable to take that risk."

A former Consulting Actuary to Fortune 100 companies – including Sony Music, Chanel, and Exxon – David left his cushy Park Avenue job 20 years ago to build  the world’s largest coaching business. He became #1 on Google for “life coaching”, serving an audience of 150,000 coaches, and coaching thousands of hours across 12 countries.

In today's episode you'll discover:

  • What are tough conversations, and why you need to start having them.
  • How to identify your conversations.
  • The 4 step blue print to get the most out of any tough conversations.
  • And more...! 

Get David's Tough Conversations Blueprint at

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